美國溫室氣體排放量 2009年來最大降幅
環境資訊中心 更新日期:"2011/04/08 05:35" 洪美惠

週五, 2011-04-08 05:35 — 洪美惠 摘譯自2011年4月1日ENS美國,華盛頓特區報導;張桂芳編譯;蔡麗伶審校

據3月31日美國能源資訊管理局(EIA)公佈的一份報告, 2009年美國溫室氣體排放量下降5.8%,創下自1990年有記錄以來的最大降幅。


EIA的管理員理查德紐厄爾(Richard Newell)表示:「2009年排放量大幅下降主因為經濟不景氣,加上低耗能經濟趨勢,和低碳的能源供應來源所致。」






另外,氫氟碳化合物、全氟化碳、六氟化硫(HFCs,PFCs, SF6)等溫室氣體,根據已蒐集到的7成7資料來推估,總排放量增加了4.9%。


- 二氧化碳排放達54.468億公噸,佔總排放量的82.8%。

- 甲烷排放約7.309億公噸的二氧化碳當量,佔總排放量的11.1%。

- 一氧化二氮排放約2.196億公噸的二氧化碳當量,佔總排放量的3.3%。

- 氫氟碳化合物(HFCs)、全氟化碳(PFCs)和六氟化硫(SF6)排放約為1.782億公噸的二氧化碳當量,佔總排放量的2.7%。

Record Drop in U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions in 2009

U.S. greenhouse gas emissions dropped a record-setting 5.8 percent in 2009, the largest percentage decline since recordkeeping began in 1990, according to a report released Thursday by the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Since 1990, U.S. greenhouse gas emissions have grown at an average annual rate of 0.4 percent, said the EIA, the statistical and analytical agency within the U.S. Department of Energy.

But in 2009, total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions were 6,576 million metric tons carbon dioxide equivalent, or MMTCO2e, a drop of 5.8 percent from the 2008 level.

This is the largest percentage decline in total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions since 1990, the starting year for EIA's data on total greenhouse gas emissions.

"The large decline in emissions in 2009 was driven by the economic downturn, combined with an ongoing trend toward a less energy-intensive economy and a decrease in the carbon-intensity of the energy supply," said EIA Administrator Richard Newell.

Emissions of energy-related carbon dioxide decreased by 7.1 percent in 2009, having risen at an average annual rate of 0.8 percent per year from 1990 to 2008.

Among the factors that influenced the emissions decrease was a decline in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 2.6 percent.

The energy intensity of the U.S. economy, measured as energy consumed per dollar of GDP, fell by 2.2 percent in 2009.

There was also a decline in the carbon dioxide intensity (CO2 per unit of energy) of U.S. energy supply in 2009, caused primarily by a drop in the price of natural gas relative to coal that led to more natural gas consumed for the generation of electricity, according to the report.

Also contributing was an increase in renewable energy consumption, led by wind and hydropower.

Methane emissions increased by 0.9 percent, while nitrous oxide emissions fell by 1.7 percent in 2009.

Based on partial data constituting about 77 percent of the category, combined emissions of HFCs, PFCs and SF6 increased by 4.9 percent.

Total estimated U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in 2009 consisted of:

- 5,446.8 million metric tons of carbon dioxide - 82.8 percent of total emissions

- 730.9 MMTCO2e of methane - 11.1 percent of total emissions

- 219.6 MMTCO2e of nitrous oxide - 3.3 percent of total emissions

- 178.2 MMTCO2e of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) - 2.7 percent of total emissions

Click here for the full report, "Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in the United States 2009."

EIA also publishes ongoing monthly estimates of carbon dioxide emissions from the consumption of energy.


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